
Who can be a mentor? 

  • Teachers or Staff at the student's school
  • Guardians/Family members
  • Tutors 
  • Coaches
  • Community members
  • Anyone who is a trusted adult over 18 years old

Share the MNYI! 

Teachers and Mentors are welcome to share any graphics released by the MNYI to promote the event. Get started with the MNYI 2024 Media Kit which includes the MNYI 2024 Flyer and Global Challenge Handbook, to spread the word! 

Research Paper Resources

Video file
MNYI Writing Webinar covering the basic structure of the paper and notes for students to consider when researching

MNYI Event 2024

The Minnesota Youth Institute event will be held in-person on May 15, 2024. 

At the event, students will present their research paper findings to experts in small roundtable discussions. Each group will usually have 6-8 students and 2-3 experts. Each student will have three minutes to present their solution followed by three minutes of Q&A. This is an opportunity for students to share their ideas with experts from across the state, learn from their peers, network, and have a great time! The general MNYI agenda can be referenced to provide an idea of the event schedule.

Video file

MNYI Event Webinar covering the basic structure of the roundtable discussions and event reminders


Students Outside Main

Student and Teacher resources from CFANS and the World Food Prize/Global Youth Institute.

Educator Opportunities

MNYI Flags

Global Guides Program for Educators | 7-month professional development program for educators that includes access to the World Food Prize Borlaug Dialogue International Symposium, resources to advance project-based learning, and more!