
Experts and Students during their Roundtable Discussion where they sharing research findings and dialogue about global issues.

Experts and Students during their Roundtable Discussion where they sharing research findings and dialogue about global issues. 


The Minnesota Youth Institute (MNYI) could not be successful without the support of volunteers. Volunteers can support the MNYI in many ways: 

  • Share the MNYI opportunity
  • Review and Evaluate Student Research Papers 
  • Volunteer During the Event on May 15
    • Roundtable Discussions Experts 
    • Group Leaders
  • Donate - contact Mary Buschette ([email protected]) if you would like to explore monetary support 


Volunteer Role Descriptions Sign up to volunteer here

More Information about the MNYI 


Since 2008, the MNYI has challenged high school students across the state to research solutions to a global food security issue and submit their findings. Their efforts culminate in a half-day event where students present their solutions/ideas to experts and connect with peers to tackle the grand challenges of world hunger in immersive experiences.

Participating students who enroll in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Natural Resource Sciences at the University of Minnesota receive a $1,000 scholarship. Students are also eligible for additional fellowships, international + domestic internships, and an opportunity to represent Minnesota at the Global Youth Institute and World Food Prize International Borlaug-Dialogue Symposium.

Share the MNYI!

The MNYI is always striving to bring this opportunity to all students across Minnesota. Volunteers are welcome to share any graphics released by the MNYI on FacebookTwitterInstagram, or LinkedIn. Get started with the MNYI 2024 Media Kit which includes the MNYI 2024 Flyer and Global Challenge Handbook, to spread the word!